Newspaper Gift Basket Craft

How to Make a Beautiful Newspaper Basket Craft From Waste?


Watch making of this Newspaper Gift Basket

Baskets are so very common in every home. Usually, it is used to keep stuffs in it and are mostly kept hidden or in any corner of the house. However, if we tell you that you can own a basket which serves the utility purpose of storing things as well as can be used as a home décor. Are you still thinking over it?

Well, today’s craft is about a beautiful newspaper basket which makes a perfect home décor item. Simultaneously, it can also hold some of your daily usage stuffs too. This is our best out of waste craft segment.

Things Needed:

  • Newspaper
  • Ball
  • Glue
  • Brush
  • Cardboard
  • Pencil
  • Cutter
  • Scissors
  • Fevibond glue
  • Mount board
  • Tissue paper
  • Plastic pipe
  • Acrylic paint and brush
  • Artificial flowers


Step 1: To begin the craft, let’s take old newspaper and a ball. Cut the newspaper into small pieces.

Take a Balloon and Newspaper

Step 2: Take water and glue, add the glue to water and make a thin glue solution.

Step 3: Apply glue over the ball and paste the cut out newspaper pieces on it. Let it dry completely.

Paint the ball with glue solution

Step 4: Now deflate the balloon and remove it. We will get a sphere shaped newspaper design.

Deflate the Balloon

Cut the Dried Newspaper Bowl

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Step 5: Let’s take a cardboard and draw a circle measuring 3 inches’ radius on it. Cut out the circle.

Step 6: Paste the cut out circle on the lower portion of the sphere. It serves as the base of the basket.

Make a base of the craft

Step 7: Take mount board and cut out small strips from it. Cut it further into small pieces.

Step 8: Paste these pieces on the basket.

Stick cardboard pieces on the bowl

Step 9: Apply glue solution all over the basket shape arrangement including the inner portion as well. Stick the tissue paper on it.

Apply Glue and tissue paper on the basket

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Step 10: Let’s take a plastic pipe to make the handle of the basket. Slit the ends of the plastic pipe slightly.

Step 11: Fix the pipe on either side of the basket.

Fix plastic pipe in the basket

Step 12: Now apply glue all over the plastic pipe and stick tissue paper on it.

Step 13: It’s time to paint the basket. Paint the basket using different acrylic colors to make it look attractive.

Let's paint the basket

Step 14: Paint the inner portion of the basket and handle as well. Also, give some highlights in darker shade.

Step 15: Take some artificial flowers and paste it on one side of the handle to beautify the basket.

Newspaper Basket is Ready

Wow!! Your beautiful newspaper basket is now ready.

This is really a useful and attractive newspaper basket. It is difficult to identify that it is actually made out of old newspaper. You can easily keep stuffs like cosmetics, stationary etc. Also, this basket looks really attractive and can be used as a home décor too.

Hope you will enjoy making this craft. In case of any suggestion or feedback, please share the same in the comment section.

Happy Crafting!

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