Best Out Of Waste Jewellery Box From Sweet Box

Best Out Of Waste Jewellery Box From Sweet Box!


We have a lot of festivals in India and with each festival, we get a beautiful sweet box. Also, we are extremely addicted to desserts and delicious sweets and thus, having a bunch of waste sweet boxes is very common. Why throw these precious boxes when we can make something creative out of these sweet boxes? Use your creativity in building some rich and fancy DIY Jewellery Box.

Love the beautifully layered jewelry boxes with compartments for different jewellery items? Here is a simple and fun filled tutorial which will help you make a pretty diy jewellery box for your cupboard from waste cardboard box!

DIY Jewellery Box

Things You Need To Make A DIY Jewellery Box

Things You Need To Make A DIY Jewellery Box

  • Scissor
  • Cutter
  • Pencil
  • Adhesive
  • Fevistick
  • Decorative Tape
  • Satin ribbon
  • Ruler
  • Small mirror
  • Buckram cloth
  • Glue gun
  • Sweet boxes
  • Thermocol sheet
  • Printed colour papers and colour sheets

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Steps You Need To Follow To Make A DIY Jewellery Box

Step 1: Prepare square boxes

Jewellery Box DIY Craft

Let’s start with decorating the sweet boxes. Take a sweet box and start taking measurements with a ruler and pencil. Mark 4.5 inches on all the sides of the box. This is to make the box square and equal from all the sides. Turn the box around and in the bottom, draw a 4.5-inch long line and cut the box using a cutter. This way, you will get a square box. However, due to trimming, one side of the box will be uncovered and thus, use the side of the trimmed layer to prepare the 4th side of the box. Cut the side with a cutter and using the glue gun, stick it on the box.

Step 2: Assemble the sides

Jewellery Box Utility Craft

Stick the sides properly and let this box get dry. Repeat the process for another box and make a square box from another sweet box. However, we still need to work on the second box. Draw a 1-inch line on the 4 sides of the box from the top and cut this 1-inch layer form the top. This way, the second box will become shorter in length than the other.

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Step 3: Prepare the base/ stand

DIY Jewellery Box Utility Craft

It’s now time to prepare the thick base of the box. The base needs to be broader than the box of the box and thus, we will use the thermocol sheet to cut a 5.2inch top for the box. Take a thermocol sheet and take measurements of 5.2 inches from all the sides. You will get a square formation. Cut the square using a cutter and keep it aside.

Step 4: Cover the inner boxes

Jewellery Box DIY Utility Craft

We will prepare the inner base of the box and thus, cut a pink paper by measuring the box size and marking it on the paper. Use the scissors to cut the sheet. With the help of glue, stick the sheet inside the box and let it get dry. Also, measure the sides and cut the papers using a scissor. Stick these paper stripes in the box using glue and let it stick properly. You can use fevistick to stick the small strips on the sides. This way, prepare the inner covering of both the boxes with light pink paper and the inner base is ready.

Step 5: Merge the boxes to prepare a jewellery box

DIY Jewellery Box Craft

It’s now time to stick the boxes together and prepare an openable jewelry box. For this, take the big box and reverse the small box and place it over the big box. Take some buckram cloth and stick it on both the boxes. This cloth is to connect the boxes and promote opening and closing of this box. On one side of the box, stick buckram cloth using glue. With this, your openable box is ready!

Step 6: Use printed sheets to decorate the box

DIY Jewellery Box Recycled Craft

We now need to make the boxes look decorated and pretty and thus, take your favorite printed paper and mark the measurements of both the boxes on printed sheets. Take accurate measurements using a ruler and pen and cut the paper. We need to cover the entire box and thus, take long papers. Using thin strips, decorate the sides while using square pieces of printed papers, cover the top and base of the box.

Step 7: Cover the thermocol ( Styrofoam) base

Jewellery Box Recycled Craft

Now it’s time to decorate the thermocol base. Thus, take a pink printed paper and stick it to the thermocol sheet using glue. Cover all the sides and top of the sheet. This way, the box and base f the box are decorated. Now, top the thermocol sheet with a jewellery box. Take some adhesive and apply it to the sheet. Stick the box on the sheet and let it get dry.

Step 8: Make the compartments and mirror

Jewellery Box DIY Recycled Craft

We need to make the compartments of the jewellery box and thus, take a cardboard or thick sheet and take the measurements using a pencil and ruler. We will make 3 partitions this, cut a long 4.5-inch long strip and one strip half of 4.5 inches. Cover these strips with pink paper to make them look decorative. Thus, take the printed pink paper, apply glue and stick it to the sheet pieces.

Step 9: Stick the mirror and compartments

DIY Jewellery Box Best Out Of Waste Craft

We also need to stick the mirror to the base and thus, get a small mirror. Place it on the chart paper and cut the segment of chart paper. Stick the mirror to the chart paper to give it more strength. To create a frame, take a brown paper and place the mirror on it. Take measurements and cut the brown paper slightly bigger than the actual mirror. Apply some glue on the base of the mirror and stick it to the brown paper. Fold the ends of brown paper which will work as a perfect frame for the mirror and stick it using glue.

Stick decorative tape on the brown paper to make it look more glorious. Stick the tape to the frame.

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Step 10:  Prepare the holders with ribbon

Jewellery Box Best Out Of Waste DIY Craft

Once the mirror is ready, stick it on the inner top of the box. For this, take a small strip of chart paper and bend it. Apply glue on both the sides and stick the box and mirror with it. This will create a stunning jewellery box for you! It’s time to stick the partitions or compartments in the box. Thus, take the long stripe and stick it in between while taking the small strip and stick it between any of the sides. Apply proper amount of glue in the bottom and stick the compartment strips well.

Step 11: Add finishing touches

Best Out Of Waste Jewellery Box From Sweet Box

We have arranged the mirror into the box in a very flexible way. The mirror can come out and can stand while you need it. For making the top supportive, take the pink ribbon and build the side handles. Keep the box partially open and take measurements of the pink ribbon. Cut the ribbon and stick it in the inner side of the top and bottom box using glue. Perform this step on both sides of the box.

Here is your fancy DIY jewellery box ready! This pretty jewellery box looks more beautiful and pretty than the jewellery boxes available in the market. You can choose to make this amazing box at your home and store your jewellery in a cool decorative and flexible box!

Try some variations and colours in this box and let us know how it looked!


Happy crafting!

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