DIY Matchbox Wall Hanging

Best Out Of Waste Craft Ideas – Make A Match Box Wall Décor!


We love to explore the creativity potential in some waste or reusable items and this time, we have hunt for the most common and useful item with which, we can make creative wall hangings! Using this interesting reusable item & Best Out Of Waste Craft Ideas, you can simply make a classy wall décor and brighten up the living room. Today we will be using the empty match boxes to make an attractive and beautiful wall décor.

DIY Matchbox Wall Hanging-Best Out Of Waste Craft Ideas

The tiny matchboxes can create wonders in minutes. You can use these small entities to make something unique and decorative. So let’s make a colourful and stylish wall décor using match boxes.

Things You Will Need To Make A Match Box Wall Décor

Things You Need For Wall Décor With Match Boxes

  • Match boxes
  • Decorative stones
  • Decorative pearls
  • Beads lace
  • Cardboard
  • Craft glue
  • Beads
  • Scissor
  • Dry glitter
  • Colours
  • Colour brush

Steps To Make A Wall Décor With Match Boxes

Step 1- Colour your matchboxes

DIY Décor With Match Boxes

The base of our craft is the matchbox. Thus let’s start with preparing the match boxes. Empty the match box and take the base of the match box. Colour this base with pink colour. The base is completely white so it is easy to cover it with pink colour easily. Colour the interior and exterior with pink paint.

Now take some pink dry glitter and spread this glitter on the back of the base. Sprinkle light glitter to give it a shiny and super glossy effect. Take multiple matches box bases and repeat the same process for all the boxes.

Step 2-Some more colourful match boxes

Wall Décor Using Match Boxes

Let these bases get dry and keep them aside. Now take some other bases and colour these bases with yellow colour. Fill the interior and exterior with yellow paint. If you want you can sprinkle yellow glitter. This way, you will get pink and yellow match box bases.

Step 3- Decorate the pink boxes

DIY Wall Décor Using Match Boxes

It’s now time to decorate the beautifully coloured bases. Thus, take a huge stone and stick it in the centre of the box with the help of craft glue. Frame it with some glittery stones. Stick all the small stones and surround the huge stone. Similarly, take all the pink boxes and decorate all the boxes with large and small stones.

Step 4- Decorate the yellow boxes

Décor Using Match Boxes

Once the pink boxes are done, it’s time to decorate the yellow match boxes. Take the yellow box and in the centre, stick a huge square red stone. On the 4 sides of the stone, stick some small red stones with craft glue. Between the red stones, stick some yellow glittery stones. This will give a traditional and impressive look to the mach boxes.

Step 5-Prepare the hanging

Match Boxes DIY Craft

We now have the beautiful match boxes ready. It’s time to prepare the hanging. For this, take a long beads lace. At one end, make a knot. Fill a huge golden bead in the lace. Make such 5-6 laces with beads at the end. We need to attach these laces to the match boxes. Thus, make a hole in the bottom part of the match box with a needle and fix the 1 lace strand in the base.tie a knot and fix it with the match box.

Attach the strands only at the base of the pink boxes. Also attach the lace on the left side of some boxes and on the right for some boxes.

Step 6- Assemble all the boxes on a cardboard

Match Boxes Wall Décor

We now need a cardboard to stick all these matchboxes and hangings. Thus, take the cardboard and fix the matchboxes on the cardboard. Apply some glue on the matchbox corners and stick it to the cardboard. Start from the top of the cardboard. Stick 1 matchbox then in the next layer, stick 2 boxes. In the third layer, stick 2 pink boxes and in between, add 1 yellow box.

The next layer will be as 2 pink boxes in the corner and 2 yellow boxes in the centre. Repeat the above given formation for the next layers. In the corners of the cardboard use the pink boxes with the hangings. This will give an interesting look to the décor

Step 7- Give it a finishing touch

Match Boxes Wall Décor Craft

Once you have arranged all the boxes, it’s time to stick the lace for hanging this décor item. Flip the décor and paste a thick lace at the back. Use craft glue and stick the lace piece in a ‘U’ shape to easily hang it on the wall!

Wall Décor With Match Boxes

Here your beautiful best out of waste hanging is ready!

Preparing this décor will not only make your home look stunning but it will also fill your mind with some more creative ideas which you can us further to create something more awesome! Add such interesting DIY crafting in your life and you will simply love creating something gorgeous from the waste!

Share your crafting experiences here with us!

Happy crafting!

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