Yes!That time of the year is back when the most scariest and spooky things take a fun and festive face. When it’s all about parties, good food, high and festive spirit, trick or treat, “jack-o-lanterns” all around! With a leg on each side of fall and winter, abundance and paucity, Life and death Halloween is America’s and on the whole, the favourite holiday for western Catholics all around the world.
Halloween juxtaposes celebration and superstition to a perfect balance. But apart from enjoying the holiday, have you ever pondered on the thought “why do we trick a treating”? What are the actual origins of Halloween? Why do we wear costumes that are scary to death?
Let’s Know All About Halloween Fun Facts and Spooky Party Tricks!
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Halloween is also known by names like All-hallows Eve, Witches Night, Lamswool, Snap-Apple Night. It also resembles the Roman Festival of honouring the harvest goddess- Pomona.
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Halloween is not just restricted to the United States. It is a holiday that is enjoyed worldwide. In the following ways:
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How can we forget the Halloween must have and the quintessential Pumpkin! Jack O Lanterns are a way to ward off free roaming spirits and protect your home against the undead. People who are highly superstitious consider the Jack O Lantern as a powerful tool to ward away vampires.
If we go by what Folklore tell the Jack O Lantern was started by a farmer Stingy Jack. When he dies he turned away from heaven and hell. He was forced to roam in the streets and there he used his brain and carved a turnip and placed a piece of burning coal inside it to move out of darkness.
Halloween parties are fun and getting along with kids to enjoy the holiday is a priceless feeling! Make your party “Spooktacular” with the Halloween party ideas and tricks that we give you!
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Note the ideas we bring for you and make your Halloween party a hit with:
Get a Bunch of small sized pumpkins and place coloured bowls filled with paints of various colours around, outside in your backyard. And let the kids have a fun time playing and decorating their pumpkins in Halloween style. Don’t want the mess?? Let the kids go crazy with stickers!
The kids get these pumpkins as souvenirs!
Forget Easter Eggs! Halloween is here. Grab a bunch of candies from the supermarket and small toys such as spiders, bats, the witch hats, and all sort of wild things on the Halloween aisle in your supermarket. Take small candy bags or pouches and put 1-2 candies in it with a toy. Hide these pouches in your garden and tell the children to hunt and find them.
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Imagine your drink with a spider sprawling in it?? Sounds crazy right! That’s exactly you can do to add to the scary quotient. Buy a few spiders and bugs from the store and put them with water in the ice tray. When frozen, the spider can be seen right in the centre of the ice cube. Let the spider swim happily in your drink!
No party is complete without yummy food, and Halloween calls for a special treat, especially for children and every child, is in love with cupcakes. Why not give cupcakes a touch of the horror of Halloween! Frostings, cupcake toper eyeballs, mini candies, sprinkles, and the works! Place bowls of these cake decoration items on the table in a row. Give each child a cupcake. Let the imagination of children run wild!
Play some exciting music and make a special Halloween playlist with songs like Monster mash thriller Ghostbusters’ game and the kids are guaranteed to have fun!
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So, folks, it’s time to your don your sexy kitten and witch out of the trunks and adorn them with fun. Halloween is about being scared about it and yet enjoying about it with antics freaking you out in every nook and around the block. Hang skeletons and ghosts around your house. Halloween is here and it’s time to engage in spooky themes.
Let the scary little sneaky witch, popping eyeballs, vampires and spider, scare you a little bit. Go Trick or treating to your heart’s content!
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